Websites that go through continuous improvements and are constantly updated are known to increase traffic, boost sales and strengthen brand authority.

Website support is the act of regularly checking your website for issues and mistakes and keeping it updated and relevant. This should be done on a consistent basis in order to keep your website healthy, encourage continued traffic growth, and strengthen your SEO and Google rankings.

Keeping a website well maintained and attractive is important to companies big and small in order to engage and retain customers. It’s easy for businesses, especially startups, to cut corners and let a few tasks slide.

Website support can easily become one of those things as it doesn’t always present immediate issues. However, just like your health can fall apart if you go too long without a regular check up, so can the health of your website. Regular monitoring of your website is a must for keeping your business running smoothly.

Maintenance & Long Term Growth (a quick checklist)

For a website to be successful, you can’t forget about it and focus all of your attention on other marketing areas. Prospects only spend a few seconds browsing your site before they choose to move on and established customers want a reliable online experience.

Ongoing Website Support For Better SEO

Content optimized for local results, written by experienced copywriters. Our writing team has a deep understanding of creating content that connects with your customers.

Website Security & Maintenance

There is a laundry list of tasks that should be done to keep your website running smoothly. The most time-sensitive of these are website security updates and patches. Without these, your website has the potential to be an actual danger to those who click on it.

With that in mind, here is a list of website maintenance tasks that should be completed regularly:

Testing & Improvements

Website testing must go beyond the initial publishing and become a continued maintenance task. Launching does take a lot of time and energy, but if you want your site to flourish, then you need to test and improve it consistently. Websites are living and breathing organisms, and we track and measure everything. You won’t believe the interesting things we can learn about your site visitors, and based on their feedback we improve your website accordingly.

Website speed is a key component to both visitors and search engines alike. 50% of your visitors will expect the site to load in two seconds, and 40% will close the browser windows if it takes more than three seconds to load. Google rewards websites that are mobile-friendly with better rankings and a special tag. Testing and improving increases traffic and conversions. Focus on running your business and let us focus on making sure your website is running smoothly and effortlessly.

Content & Images

Your site is often the first impression you will make on your future customers, so a well-maintained website is essential to attract and keep them engaged. Do you have special hours, news or events on your site? Keeping that information up-to-date is critical to making your business feel cutting edge and involved in your industry.

Whether you are selling products or blogging, we help generate compelling content and graphics to keep visitors coming back to your website and building a relationship with your brand. If new products are introduced to your inventory all the time, you cannot run the risk of damaging that first impression by not having current information.

A Proper Website Support Plan Is a Circle

As you can see from our checklist, website maintenance should be a consistent part of your business. It grows on itself, and if not correctly implemented, can cause some serious problems and setbacks to your potential growth and business health.

Staying on top of website health takes awareness and organization. This is particularly the case for a large site with hundreds (or even thousands) of pages.

With the introduction of new tools to make website building easier, website sizes are growing each year. While it’s easy to add pages to most websites, it’s not as easy to keep all of your pages in a good state.

All that to say: keep on top of your website maintenance.

Why Is It Important to Run Website Maintenance?
Many new businesses already have a lot on their plates without worrying about constantly checking in on their website. It’s tempting to buy a domain name, throw up something temporary, and just worry about it later. There are many reasons why this is not a good idea. Maintaining a current, healthy, and active website is important for a number of reasons.


The whole point to starting a business is to have customers, clients, or an audience. To drive traffic to your website, you’ll need to keep it regularly updated.

Google wants to rank websites that have the most relevant and up-to-date information on their search engine results page . They may even de-index your website entirely if it hasn’t been updated recently enough and if they suspect it has been infected by malware. You must keep your website regularly updated with current content, news, keywords, and articles in order to rank well in search results.

Regularly website maintenance is invaluable for SEO strategy.

Customer Attraction/Engagement

If your website is gaining traction and traffic, it’s important to keep those potential customers. If they aren’t able to find what they are looking for, current information and relevant content, there is a good chance you’ll lose interest quickly. In order for your website to be the useful tool you want, you’ll need to ensure it is free from typos and grammar issues, has any and all information a customer could want, and looks engaging and consistent.


This is the single most important reason to keep website maintenance on your radar, particularly if your website is storing any form of customer information. It is crucial to ensure that one is installing regular software updates and security patches. It can be easy and attractive for hackers to find and target websites that have sat dormant for too long.

Corporate Image

It’s becoming more and more simple to create a website that looks well-designed and professional. There is an expectation for a professional website from professional companies. If your website doesn’t deliver on the promise of professionalism, your customers will often go elsewhere.

Your Sanity

Your website is a very important element of your business. If it is up-to-date and running smoothly, it can be a valuable support and asset. If it is not in a good state, it can cost you dearly. Once you are behind on your maintenance needs, it can be quite the process to bring the website back up to speed. Sometimes, if your maintenance has been ignored for too long, it is easier just to scrap everything and rebuild from the scratch.

Do yourself and your business a favor by staying on top of your website. This will repay you with simple ease of mind.

Keep up with Trends in Design and Technology

The sleeker your website is, the more you’ll convince potential customers that you are their ultimate choice. If you’re staying on top of your website maintenance, you’ll also have the opportunity to be an early adopter of new website technology that will help the back-end run more smoothly. If you’re installing software updates regularly, you’ll be able to take advantage of new features that install along with the updates.

You’ll also be able to tweak your design to stay on top of the latest website looks. It’s far more tempting to employ a company with a polished and modern website than one that looks like it hopped on a time travel device from 2003.

How Much Does Website Maintenance Cost?

There are different cost expectations based on what your website is used for, the size of your audience, and how much content is hosted. Here's a list of popular website structures chosen by most businesses:

Small Personal Blog

A small blog typically does not have a lot of traffic and has very few needs. This can be hosted on a blogging site like Google Blogger with no costs whatsoever. Or, it could be self-hosted using a platform like WordPress with low monthly costs stemming from domain name renewal and hosting service.

Medium-Large Sized Active Blog with a Wide Audience

If you have a blog that is bringing in an income with an active audience, you will likely want to be self hosted with some customizations. This will require more frequent maintenance, updates, marketing and backups and a slightly larger monetary investment.

Company Website for the Purpose of Marketing Only

Similar to the medium-large size blog, this will need to be self hosted with a simple design template and limited content. It will be low maintenance for upkeep with with regular updates, marketing, and backups.

Large Customized eCommerce Websites

This will be a larger financial investment as you’ll need to be vigilant about website maintenance. You’re handling a lot of content, code customization, and customer data. If you do not have an IT team on staff, we would recommend finding a web maintenance package to stay on top of your website needs.

Let Us Help You

Now that we’ve established that website maintenance is a must for websites of any size, it’s time to discuss the advantages to employing someone else to do that maintenance. You can, of course, take on these tasks yourself, but it will save time and stress to pay an agency for several reasons.

At DEZCOOL we offer reliable and affordable website maintenance packages with no long term contracts. We offer SEO, hosting, email and domain management, security and updates, backups, support, and peace of mind.

Ask yourself honestly whether you are keeping your website in good health and consider contacting us. If you were to drive a car miles every day without regular tune-ups, you wouldn’t expect it to work for you long-term would you? Your website is the same. But don’t worry, We’ve got your back. Here's what we offer:

Website Support Options

Service Details
Basic   vs.  Upgraded
Support Packages
Framework core upgrades
Know the elements that helps make your website look the way it does is up-to-date
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Style & element upgrades
Know the core software driving your website is up-to-date
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Software plugin updates
Know the plugins that drive your site's functionality are up-to-date
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Website backups w/ restore capability
We keep a secure backup of your website files & database in case the worst happens so you won't lose money
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High performance security monitoring/div>
We continually monitor your site for any unwanted attempts to access (& potentially damage) your site
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Content and / or product updates
When you have new posts, images, or products we'll take the time to update and format them
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Database cleaning and optimization
As your website is updated and grows it can leave unwanted data in your site's database causing a slower site speed
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Uptime monitoring & performance scans
We monitor your site to make sure it stays up 24/7 so you don't lose any potential customers or sales
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Monthly maintenance report
Every month you'll receive a detailed report of all the work that was done for your site. If something urgent arises, we let you know immediately
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Bug and compatibility repair
Errors can occur on different devices and browsers. We make sure those errors are taken care of so you don't lose sales
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No long term contracts
We want you to do what's best for your business so we don't make you sign any long term contracts
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Priority Support
Your requests are taken above all others for the fastest update response time
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Website hosting maintenance
We manage your website hosting settings at no additional cost to you
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Analytics monitoring & recommendations based on data
We will provide you monthly data on how site visitors use the website & any recommendations to improve conversions
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Scan and fix any broken links
A monthly link scan will be performed to ensure visitors and search engines can access all pages
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Monthly ranking, traffic and competition analysis reports
An comprehensive monthly report on search engine visibility and ongoing organic growth
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Mahalo for reading.